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Local Authority Delivery (LAD) (2020-2021): What is it?

The local authority delivery (LAD) scheme is related to the Green Homes Grant scheme. Launched in August 2020, the £500 million scheme was split into three phases.

The local authority delivery (LAD) scheme is related to the Green Homes Grant scheme. Launched in August 2020, the £500 million scheme was split into three phases. The aim of LAD was to increase homes with Energy Performance Ratings (EPC) of E, F or G.

1A was designed to allocate £74 million to 55 projects which aimed to upgrade the EPC of 10,000 low-income homes in 100 local authorities in England. These projects were aimed to end by August 31st 2021.

1B was designed to allocate around £126 million to 81 local authorities to deliver energy efficiency projects to upgrade 15,000 households. This included a bid element to obtain more funding for a local authority’s region. The five regions were the South East, South West, North East, North West and The Midlands. These regions each had a Local Energy Hub which was designed to aid project development within each region. These projects were due to end by 30th September 2021.

Phase 2 was designed to allocate the last £300 million to the 5 Local Energy Hubs to upgrade a further 30,000 homes in England that were most in need with projects due to be ended by December 2021. 

Allocations of funding for the regions were as follows:


At the time of writing (26/08/2021) the current results of the program are as follows:

Phase 1: By the end of June 2021, there were 3,144 measures installed in homes across England. The majority of these were from phase 1A and 76% of them accounting for insulation. 14,299 households have been identified for funding under phase 1 and are still expected to receive a measure, however, the deadline will have passed by this time.

There are no current results on Phase 2.

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